The 17 UN Global Goals for a Better World

Our earth is unique. All of us, humans, plants and animals need it. And because it is so valuable, we must protect it together and treat it well. But the reality is, that we treat it badly, and that has to change. In order to shape the future on our planet better, many countries of the 193 member states of the UN sat down together in 2015 and agreed on 17 climate goals.

In this lively book all 17 Sustainable Development Goals are explained in a child-friendly manner, so that children see how they can help to reach these goals.

1. No poverty

2. Zero hunger

3. Good health and well-being

4. Quality education

5. Gender equality

6. Clean water & sanitation

7. Affordable & clean energy

8. Decent work & economic growth

9. Industry, Innovation & infrastructure

10. Reduced inequity

11. Susatinable Cities & Communities

12. Responsible consumption & production

13. Climate action

14. Life below water

15. Life on land

16. Peace, justice & strong institutions

17. Partnership for the goals


The German Academy for Children‘s and Youth Literature has chosen this book as a climate book tips!

Download the factsheet with all specifications Download the factsheet with all specifications

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Further information

  • English and Chinese (Simplified Characters) rights are sold, all other rights available
  • English translation available

The artist:

Judith Drews studied illustration in Hamburg and works in the studio she founded as a freelance illustrator and designer for publishers at home and abroad. She has received numerous national and international awards. So far, she has published more than 50 books. She lives with her husband, their two daughters and a tigress, who pretends to be a house cat, in a house with a garden and many other animals in Berlin.

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