Did you know,
• what the difference is between ravens and crows?
• that in ancient Rome they were considered as prophets?
• that ravens have special warning calls for a.o. cats, for hawks or for humans?
• that there are 250 different crow calls
• that raven can recognize people and remember faces
Ravens have in common with humans that they pass on acquired knowledge to following generations, which means, that they have something like what we call culture. And so, it is no wonder why ravens play such a large roll in religion, poetry, literature and art.
In this unique book all this, and much more is told in words and pictures by Britta Teckentrup.
Britta Teckentrup is a remarkable artist. Anyone who has ever seen a book by her will recognize her visual language. Klaus Nowak, 1001 Buch
In each language we know sayings such as: An evening red and a morning grey, two sure signs of one fair day. If it rains before seven, ’twill cease before ...
Questions upon questions. What will my life be like? Will I be happy? Are you proud of me? Where are you? Why am I afraid? Why can’t I do this? ...
In beautiful and strong portraits Britta Teckentrup depicts daily life in school. A student accompanies the reader through her school life and introduces some other students, such as Max and ...
Britta Teckentrup, born in 1969 in Hamburg, studied Visual Art in London. She is the author and illustrator of numerous picture books as well as non-fiction picture books and has received numerous awards. Today she lives in Berlin with her Scottish husband and son Vincent. Her books have been translated into many languages.
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025
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Freitag, 24. Januar 2025
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