On the five-foot wide colour poster you can watch cars driving down a road that keeps evolving towards modern standards and leads them into the future. To start with you ...
What did dinosaurs look like, how did they live, and what did they feed on? How did they evolve and why did the die out all of a sudden? In ...
What an impressive poster, five foot large, of Egypt in ancient times! Here we can see temples and pyramids, humans and animals, and always the River Nile wending and winding ...
The five-foot wide poster accompanying the book shows an eighty-storey skyscraper. From its base to its slender tip, it rises to a height of almost 1200 foot. The book explains ...
Along with the town it protects, the castle covers the entire length of a mountain ridge – that is five foot across on the fold-out poster. The book it accompanies ...
A city is a living being, almost like a big animal: The houses form its skeleton, the streets are its arteries, the means of transport its blood, the telecommunication cables ...
From the shallow seas with their aquatic plants and their shoals of fish, the five-foot high fold-out poster that comes with the book takes us to the deep-sea basins and ...
Life in the forest, day and night, over the course of a whole year – it’s all here on view, on a concertina poster five foot wide, that comes with ...
The concertina poster accompanying the book shows you what it’s all about: A mountain in the Alps, rising from a densely-populated valley to the realm of eternal ice, about 4000 ...
In beautiful and strong portraits Britta Teckentrup depicts daily life in school. A student accompanies the reader through her school life and introduces some other students, such as Max and ...
Dienstag, 4. Februar 2025
Zaunpfahl gegen Rechts Mehr
Freitag, 24. Januar 2025
05.02 Buchpremiere »Füller-Kinder« Mehr
Freitag, 24. Januar 2025
Neue Praktikantin bei Jacoby & Stuart Mehr