A well known German saying goes as follows: A life without a pug is futile. Carl’s mistress feels exactly the same. But when she is called to an emergency one day, Carl gets lost in the big city. While she desperately searches for him, the small scared dog wanders through the streets all alone. Until he meets Paula, a wily stray…
A courage boosting and emancipating story.
The touching story of a young dog that actually likes to play with the other dogs out there but isn’t allowed. After he gets lost and finds his way home with help from Paula, he has learned that he can help himself. And part of that he has learned to trusts others. He even manages to stand up against his mistress and persuade her to let Paula stay.
Many children are familiar with Carl’s role, and the book will help to open their parent’s eyes a little. The warm illustrations by Joelle Tourlonias certainly makes this a lot easier.
Matze’s been on a visit to Grandma. So what did he do there? Well, not exactly what he tells Mum, that’s for sure! Sometimes it‘s advisable to keep mum about ...
Squirrel is much smaller than his siblings and a little timid. Therefore he is being teased all the time. So he decides to leave his family and seek greener pastures. ...
Schon seit Jahrhunderten spukt Sir Simon als Gespenst auf Schloss Canterville. So etwas wie die neuen Besitzer des Schlosses hat er aber noch nie erlebt: Diese amerikanische Familie gruselt sich ...
Freitag, 14. Februar 2025
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Freitag, 24. Januar 2025
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