Mad World

A mouse chasing a cat, a polar bear in the jungle, a hare shooting a huntsman, a man who retrieves a stick for his dog, a bank director taking alms from a punk, a baby feeding his/her mum – here’s an upside-down world that Atak depicts with glee.

“No-o-o! That’s not true!” – There’s few things that little children will enjoy more than catching grown-ups telling fibs. It may take them some time, because they have to stop and think in order to decide whether what they’re told is true or false. Discarding what’s obviously wrong, that’s how they find out about what’s right. It’s the big animals chasing the small ones, not the other way round. The dog must obey its master, and the rich should give to the poor – that’s the proper way. Once the children have „done“ the whole book, they’ve learnt quite a lot, playing. And they’ll carry on playing the game, inventing their own funny fibs along the way. It’s a time-honoured children’s game, Atak’s just given it a new twist, using lots of classic tall stories, and adding a few new ones as well. And the children will never forget his pictures painted in vivid colours. Nor will many a grown-up, you bet.

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Further information

  • English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Portugal and Brazil), Czech, Norwegian and Slovak rights sold.
  • All other rights available.


Atak, Georg Barber by his real name, was born in Frankfurt on the Oder in 1967. He studied Visual Communications at Berlin’s Hochschule der Künste (Berlin University of the Arts). A professor for Illustrative Arts since 2006, he’s also keeping up his activities as freelancing artist, illustrator and graphic artist. He divides his time between Berlin and Stockholm. In the contemporary art scene of Berlin he is a force to be reckoned with, one of its best-known and most brilliant exponents.

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