The Istanbul Cookery Book

Istanbul is a melting pot where the most diverse culinary traditions meet and mingle – so it’s small wonder that the Turkish cuisine should count among the best in the world. Gabi Kopp interviewed Istanbul housewives and street traders, restaurant cooks and authors of cookery books and jotted down their best recipes. Turkish cuisine owes its diversity to the many cultures that were once represented in the Ottoman Empire. And Istanbul, this year’s vibrant culture capital of Europe, is a place where these traditions are kept very much alive.

During her rambles through the Turkish metropolis Gabi Kopp watched the cooks in the kitchens, drawing them, and noting their recipes the while: there’s the Armenian woman compiling a cookery book and who obviously has to try everything for herself, a Kurd who cooks for his wife, a ninety-year-old Greek who visits his favourite restaurant, the „Meyhane“, every day. Not forgetting a Laz woman, a Michelin-starred chef, a sephardic Jew, Turkish women from the shores of the Black Sea, from Anatolia or the Marmara region – Muslims, Jews and Christians. To round things off, there’s a detailed index and a Turkish glossary.

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By the same artist

Gabi Kopp

Das persische Kochbuch

Auf ihren Reisen von Isfahan über Schiras nach Teheran hat Gabi Kopp sich in die Kunst der persischen Küche einweisen lassen. Sie hat Hausfrauen, Straßenhändler, Restaurantköche, Grillmeister, Bäcker, eine Hochzeitsgesellschaft ...

Further information

  • 30 cooks and 99 recipes.
  • All rights available.
  • Please ask for English sample translation.

Gabi Kopp

Gabi Kopp, born in Lucerne in 1958, studied at that city’s Hochschule für Design und Kunst (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts) as well as at London’s St. Martin’s College of Art. She was a founder member of the co-operative restaurant "Widder" in Lucerne, where she worked as a cook for four years. These past twenty years she has been working as an illustrator and cartoonist for the likes of Annabelle, NZZ, and many others. In 2009 the city and canton of Lucerne awarded her a prize for her project of an illustrated cookery book about Istanbul's cuisine.

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